Currently Searching Tag: Technology

Use Visual Storytelling For Your Nonprofit

Engaging with donors is one of the most important tasks a nonprofit needs to attend to. With new social platforms and communication channels to contend with, nonprofits need to take the time to consider their message and who will see it. When it comes to crafting your message, one key question should come to mind:… Read more »

What Does Your Church Website Need?

Over the last few years, church technology has changed the face of ministry in many organizations. In previous years, the only way to actively gain new members was to encourage your church family members to invite friends and family to join fellowship on Sunday mornings. Now, your church has the ability to increase exposure and… Read more »

Does Your Nonprofit Have a Tech Plan for 2015?

The New Year is almost upon us! Though we’re sure you’re busy planning New Year’s resolutions for your organization and making plans to make 2015 the best year yet, have you thought about your digital marketing strategies? Now is the perfect time to take a look at the majority of your online efforts and determine… Read more »

#GivingTuesday – Spread the Word

As nonprofit and church leaders, you know how difficult it can be to effectively spread the word about any sort of fundraising campaign. The balance between tact and effectiveness is often a very thin line and many times leaders can find themselves quickly becoming either overzealous or too timid in their messaging.

How To Use Text Giving For Your Nonprofit

In the park, at the bus stop, in line at a coffee shop – no matter where you go it’s likely that you’ll come face-to-face with a person on their cellphone texting away. Don’t believe us? In a study done in 2011, it was found that, on average, millennials received over 109 text messages per… Read more »

Does Your Church Need A Tech Professional?

In today’s technology-littered landscape computers and various audio-visual elements are making an appearance in some unlikely places. As we’ve outlined in previous blog posts, more churches than ever are taking the tech-road and employing websites, apps, e-giving, and other tech applications to their day-to-day activities.