Increasing Generosity In Your Church


As an organization, your church relies on gifts from members to keep day-to-day operations running smoothly. Though it may be a volatile source of funds, there are certain steps a conscientious church can take to increase giving – without increasing the number of gift-based conversations between church leaders and church family members.

Leading your organization to generous giving doesn’t happen all on it’s own. Making the necessary changes to encourage faithful giving requires planning and time and significant changes will not be made overnight. However, by incorporating the two ideas below, you can help move giving to the front of your church members’ minds.

Make It Easy

We live in a world where most everything is made to order, exactly how and when we want it. Because of this made-to-order expectancy, the simplest way to increase giving in your church is to create multiple avenues for your church members to give. Rather than simply sticking to the tried and true method of offering envelope donations, it may be time to incorporate other avenues for your church members to give. By integrating e-giving into your arsenal of giving options, your church members will be able to give privately whenever they feel inspired to give. Further, by introducing recurring donations to your church members, the act of giving will be systematic and easier than ever before.

Help Them Plan For It

Often times, the difference between a gift and a generous gift comes down solely to the amount an individual is able to contribute to your church at a specific time. By taking the time to ensure that your church members have prioritized giving in their monthly finances, you are helping them to establish a commitment to a particular level of generosity. Teaching your church family to live within a budget that includes, saving, giving and living will help you to instill the habit of giving on a fundamental level. After all, it is important to remember that faithful giving must be practiced regularly before it becomes habitual.

Increasing generosity in your church does not always have to rely solely on the giving conversations that your church leaders have with members. By making the above mentioned minimal changes to the everyday environment of your church you can subtly and effectively encourage your church family members to give. If you find you need a few more ideas about how to increase generosity in your church, click here.