Currently Searching Tag: Church Leaders

Is Your Church Still Worried About Tech Upgrades?

ā€œWeā€™re a traditional church, and including technology would change our identity.ā€ ā€œWe have a number of older church members that may not understand how to interact with newer church technology.ā€ ā€œWe donā€™t have the volunteer hours to dedicate to making effective use of technology.ā€ There are any number of excuses church leaders use when defending… Read more »

Teaching Millennials To Give To The Church

Millennials have gotten a tough break. Rumored to be apathetic and selfish by older generations, despiteĀ a wealth of studiesĀ that prove this to be false, millennials are often singled out as a demographic that are least likely to get involved. The desire to give and get involved is present for many millennials, however, often times the… Read more »

Planning Your Church Fundraiser

When it comes to fundraising, there is quite a bit of pressure on organizers to create inspiring results while using limited resources. For this reason alone, many church leadership team members can begin to dread what will happen when the time comes to put together a plan, and then put that plan into action.