As a church leader, the task falls upon your shoulders to teach church members to recognize the grace in their lives, respond to each and every gift with gratitude and then share those gifts with others. There are few better ways to ensure the long-lasting faithful stewardship of those in church than by asking for… Read more »
Currently Searching Tag: Church Fundraisers
Planning Your Church Fundraiser
When it comes to fundraising, there is quite a bit of pressure on organizers to create inspiring results while using limited resources. For this reason alone, many church leadership team members can begin to dread what will happen when the time comes to put together a plan, and then put that plan into action.
Engaging Your Non-Profit’s Audience
We’re sure you’ve been there before, nonprofit leaders. Standing in front of a room full of board members struggling to keep their attention as you work through your meeting’s agenda. Or worse, speaking with donors who seem uninterested in your nonprofit’s work and the need for donations.