How To Use Text Giving For Your Nonprofit


In the park, at the bus stop, in line at a coffee shop – no matter where you go it’s likely that you’ll come face-to-face with a person on their cellphone texting away. Don’t believe us? In a study done in 2011, it was found that, on average, millennials received over 109 text messages per day – that equals out to more than 3,200 messages per month!


Treasures for Children


The holidays are a time of year centered around giving. We shop to find gifts for loved ones and we host celebrations in our homes as a part of the tradition. But though we’re very focused on the idea of generosity and spreading our blessings around to a certain group of our loved ones how often do we give to those in need?


Customize Your App Experience

In today’s technological landscape, mobile app usage has been linked to greater visibility across all platforms. According to new data from Mobiforge, webpage views from mobile devices now outnumber pageviews from PCs in over 40 countries. As these trends continue, e-giving Powered by NCS Services has responded to the need for many organizations to pay particular attention to their mobile-based presence.


Got A Question About Our Mobile App? We Can Help!

With any new technology or service that surfaces, it’s only natural for questions to arise. Because our updated app service is different than anything we’ve done before, we’re excited to help you explore the new capabilities to better understand what a custom app can do for your church.


Does Your Church Need A Tech Professional?


In today’s technology-littered landscape computers and various audio-visual elements are making an appearance in some unlikely places. As we’ve outlined in previous blog posts, more churches than ever are taking the tech-road and employing websites, apps, e-giving, and other tech applications to their day-to-day activities.
